Meet Our Board of Directors

Hattie Llewelyn-Davis
Chair of the Board
Hattie is Chair of The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust and Eastlight Community Homes as well as NCSL and is an expert in strategic governance. She is the SID of Adsure Services PLC, providing advisory and assurance services.
Her career began in housing and has since spanned health, compliance, and financial services across the public, private and third sectors. As a Chief Executive, and now as a Chair, Board Member and Consultant, she builds teams and improves organisational performance.

Keith Carter
Chair of the Operations Committee
Keith is an experienced consultant and executive director with extensive management experience in social housing and public building property management and development. He is the owner of Carter Marshall Limited which has been providing services to the public sector for twenty years.
Keith regularly advises social landlords on compliance, development, asset management and procurement. He is currently providing compliance advice to Housing Solutions; Westminster CC; District Homes and Radius (NI). Previous, recent compliance clients include Rotherham BC; Estuary; Croydon Council and Your Housing. He has managed the DLOs at East Thames, Peabody, Homes for Haringey and the Countrywise (the joint Town and Country and Wates DLO).
In addition to his Board role at NCSL, where he is Chair of the Operations Committee, he is also a Board member at Hundred Houses Society in Cambridge, chairing its Investment Working Group and a member of its Customer Experience Committee.

Jo Sedley-Burke
Chair of the Finance & Corporate
Services Committee
Jo is a charismatic highly experienced individual, operating in both an Executive and Non-executive capacity in the public, private and charity sector. Specialising in Social Housing and Information Technology. She thrives on challenges and responsibility, with the management skills to steer highly diverse workforces and organisations.
A strong strategic focus on people, financial integrity, governance and quality management. Successfully supporting organisations to develop the right strategy, deploy the appropriate resources and operate under the correct governance.
Tenacious but diplomatic and well versed at managing conflict. Jo is NCSL's Senior Independant Director.

Terry Noys
Non-executive Director
Non-Executive Director, Member of the Business Support Committee and Chair of the Audit Committee.
A Chartered Accountant, Terry’s experience includes a period in investment banking, followed by CFO / COO roles for listed companies, a private equity-backed company and a number of not-for-profit organisations. The latter including several housing associations, universities and the NHS. He is currently the Chief Operating officer of the Health Sciences University.
Terry has held a number of non-executive positions and, currently, as well as his role at NCSL, is an independent member of First Garden Cities Homes.
Terry studied History at the University of East Anglia, where he first acquired his love of all things Norwich.

Ben Ticehurst
Non-executive Director
Ben has worked in and with local government throughout his career, principally as a chief officer and through commercial partnerships.
He has led most service areas, large business change and regeneration programmes and worked in a wide range of housing services and settings.
In addition to this, he established a successful national public-private partnership for a local government insurance mutual and a local government consultancy which continues to trade.
He now focuses on commercial design and governance solutions for publicly owned businesses.

Alistair Merrick
Non-executive Director
Alistair is an experienced senior manager having had senior leadership roles in both the public and private sectors and managed corporate, commercial, and significant delivery functions. He specialises in strategic leadership and transformation to provide solutions to complex corporate, operational, and commercial problems through his project management skills, leadership expertise, relationship building skills and people skills.
Alistair has also led waste management and environmental service reviews for Luton Borough Council, Wolverhampton City Council, Huntingdonshire District Councils, East Cambridgeshire District Council and Wealden District Council, as well as a programme to commercialise Southampton City Council’s waste operations, housing repairs and environmental services.